The Bridge To FreedomThe script is a profound and symbolic journey designed to facilitate personal transformation, guiding individuals from a state of unwanted…Feb 21, 2024Feb 21, 2024
Empower Yourself: Boosting Confidence with Self-Hypnosis TechniquesAt one point or another, most people experience self-doubt and a lack of confidence. This can hold us back from achieving our full…Apr 29, 2023Apr 29, 2023
Unlocking the Mysteries of the Chakra System and the Endocrine SystemThe chakra system, an ancient concept originating in India, and the endocrine system, a more modern scientific understanding of our bodies…Apr 29, 2023Apr 29, 2023
7 Unexpected Ways to Surrender Control and Trust the UniverseIn our fast-paced world, it’s common for us to feel the need to control every aspect of our lives. Our careers, relationships, and personal…Apr 28, 2023Apr 28, 2023
Big Smiles :) We’re Back!We are so excited about meeting our new students tomorrow. The school rooms are sanitised and ready to welcome them.Apr 25, 2021Apr 25, 2021
Hypnotherapy Training UK-Graduate Review 2021Here is a testimonial from our awesome Hypnotherapy Diploma Graduate: Kate Samprati Yoga Ingleby-LewisApr 24, 2021Apr 24, 2021
Hypnotherapy Training-Graduate Testimonial 2021Here is a testimonial from our awesome Hypnotherapy Diploma Graduate Sarah Baker.Apr 4, 2021Apr 4, 2021
Hypnotherapy Training- Graduate Testimonial 2021Are you seeking a fulfilling career that balances body, mind, and spirit where you can truly help others? Training in a new career as a…Apr 1, 2021Apr 1, 2021
The Success-Seeking Satnav Embedded in Your Brain…What’s this got to do with success?Feb 8, 2021Feb 8, 2021